You know how you feel way less alone after a good ol' DnM?
Turns out there’s more to it...
Being without meaningful social stimulation isn’t just boring, it seriously affects our mental and physical health. Beyond depression & anxiety (both rampant in our post-lockdown world), social isolation significantly increases our risk of heart disease and stroke.
The antidote? Us.
We need people. We need connection. And in our busy city lives we actually have to carve out the time to connect. We have to create our first-world, 21st century version of tribal gatherings and support.
We know for sure that this effort to engage makes us feel happier and more fulfilled because intentional sharing reminds us of who we are. Just like journalling our thoughts creates clarity, allowing our thought train to unravel in a safe and supported circle brings us closer to ourselves.
And as much as the practice of intentional gathering is for us, it’s also for others. Listening deeply to stories broadens our perspective and enhances our compassion. It inspires how we interact with the people in our orbit.
Whether you feel like you have a lot to say about the topic at hand, or not much at all, we guarantee that you won't regret this time spent at Zenly.
Critical thinking/feeling can be pretty far down the ladder most days, yet we are all capable of slowing down and sitting with the (often surprising) layers of what it’s like to be human, here and now.